Monday, May 28, 2007

Solitude #3

This is how it looks like at the back of the Kish Island cafeteria. There were rocks that extend a few meters from the shore, so you can even go 'closer to the sea.'

I was so thankful that I doled out the AED 10 fare for the trip. I was convincing those acquaintances I made while on the plane to take the tour, but they said they won't dole out the money. I understand, given the situation we were in. We just came to Dubai, with our visas expired and no job, we needed to exit to have our visas renewed.

We stretch the money we have because we don't know yet when we can go back to Dubai to continue looking for a job.

But when I finally see the pictures I took of the island tour, I know that these are worth more than the AED 10 I paid.

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